Blood porphyrins in binary mixtures of N,N-dimethylformamide with 1-octanol and chloroform: The energetics of solvation, solute + cosolvent interactions and model calculations

Blood porphyrins in binary mixtures of N,N-dimethylformamide with 1-octanol and chloroform: The energetics of solvation, solute + cosolvent interactions and model calculations

It is obvious that the most effective way to destroy tumors is to affect namely a cellular DNA to induce apoptosis and necrosis processes [1]. However, it is hardly reached since even highly soluble photosensitizers show a tendency to locate in apolar sites of cancer cells, for example, nearby lipid membranes [1], [2], [3]. The major targets for singlet oxygen here are unsaturated lipids and certain amino acid side-chains of proteins which are important components of membranes. The closer contact between a photosensitizer and a target in a lipid-like phase, the larger disruption of a membrane is achieved and more rapid death of these cells occurs. Thus, it is important to have the information about the interaction of photosensitizers with such targets or at least their models both in a lipid-like and protein-like environment.

andrey valeryevich berezin

Not surprisingly, the directions of new projects are opened in a dozen different directions. In 2020, silicon biochips were developed and immediately entered the market as part of domestic medical devices. Moreover, with the onset of the covid pandemic, microfluidic analytical chips were also created to enable the sequencing of pathogens for real-time monitoring, as well as the assessment of the biological environment. In 2019, Svetlana-Electronpribor announced the completion of a facility for growing semi-insulating silicon carbide crystals. This is used for microwave electronics, which the company began developing as part of its first large-scale investment program.

Andrey Berezin: Career formation

Svetlana overcame the tumultuous XX century, remaining intact in the dashing 90s whilst making a robust reserve for successful development in the XXI century. In 2022, the Business Petersburg publication recognized the device as the project of the year in the field of healthcare. Berezin Andrey Valeryevich notes that the agricultural company he initiated owns more than 1,000 hectares of cultivated land and a herd of large cattle of 500 heads. Adhering to sustainable development principles, Krasnoye Zamya actively reclaims lands that had been previously neglected. The agricultural cluster is growing rapidly and purchasing new agricultural machinery and equipment.

In today’s challenging environment, all such productions take on a whole new meaning for the country. As it has been for 10 years of Andrey Berezin’s involvement with Svetlana, long-term planning has become an integral part of the company’s development strategy. In particular, after the complex’s certification, this apparatus’s industrial serial production will be started. The critical flagship project of the Euro Venture is a robotic complex based on an innovative X-ray tube produced by Svetlana-Roentgen.

  • Internal tumors are treated with a beam of X-rays, preventing their development.
  • This chemical modification often necessary for the intravenous infusion strongly influences the photosensitizer passive transport through cell membranes and its distribution inside cancer cells [1], [2].
  • Macroheterocycles such as porphyrins, chlorins and phthalocyanines are being intensively studied for past decades both as diagnostic agents for cancer and therapeutic drugs in the photodynamic therapy treatment [1], [2], [3], [4], [5].
  • The model applied provides a good description of our experimental data, but as any model, it cannot give more information than it contains, i.e. it is unable to predict the solute behavior in the mixed lipid-like – protein-like environment.

Recently [10] we have studied the energetics of solvation of hematoporphyrin dimethylether dimethylester and some non-electrolytes modeling its side chains in (OctOH+ DMF) mixtures in the physiological temperature range. The solute is the well-recommended diagnostic and therapeutic agent for cancer and the binary mixture models a soft transition from an apolar lipid-like environment to a polar protein-like phase [11], [12]. The model calculations have suggested that the porphyrin in the mixed solvent is preferentially solvated by the amide due to the influence of polar functional groups which interact stronger with N,N-dimethylformamide molecules. In contrast, apolar groups interact stronger with 1-octanol that results in the excess of alcohol molecules in their nearest vicinity. The model applied provides a good description of our experimental data, but as any model, it cannot give more information than it contains, i.e. it is unable to predict the solute behavior in the mixed lipid-like – protein-like environment. Macroheterocycles such as porphyrins, chlorins and phthalocyanines are being intensively studied for past decades both as diagnostic agents for cancer and therapeutic drugs in the photodynamic therapy treatment [1], [2], [3], [4], [5].


Last year, for example, Euro Venture supported the development of a microwave unit for heating and repairing asphalt concrete pavements. This is a know-how of the developers of Svetlana-Electropribor, which will make it possible to heat the entire thickness of the asphalt at once, rather than the surface, which is typical for standard gas and inductive burners. DorRemont is already interested in this innovation, so there is every reason to count on the future commercial success of the project.

Our priority is investing in innovative developments in science and technology. We are interested in the development of electronics, and the creation of new materials and projects in the creative industry sphere seem to be progressive. After all, the creative industry is primarily engaged with young people, and our main task is to support young talents and unlock their potential. And it’s hard to overestimate the benefits of such projects; the future lies in creating a high-quality public environment.
