Lexapro Abuse, Side Effects, Detox, Withdrawal and Treatment

However, if these side effects persist, talk to your healthcare provider about your options. They may recommend a dose change or switching to a different medication. While Lexapro is generally a well-tolerated medication, some serious side effects can occur. Serotonin syndrome is a rare but potentially life-threatening syndrome that can occur when you have too much serotonin. This usually occurs within 24 hours of having your Lexapro dose increased or if you are given another medication that increases serotonin.

When not drinking, you might begin to notice feelings of anxiety or other emotional distress, along with strong cravings for alcohol. Experiencing alcohol cravings may not automatically mean you have an AUD. All the same, it could be worth talking to a mental health professional — more How Long Can You Live With Cirrhosis? on that below. If this medication isn’t working for you, discuss your options with a healthcare provider to find the best treatment possible. For SSRIs like Zoloft, alcohol can enhance these side effects further. It’s important to understand the risks before starting treatment.

Addiction Treatment Options

I learnt that there were seven serotonin receptors and was very disappointed to learn that there were even more receptors connected to these receptors. There was also only one receptor https://g-markets.net/sober-living/how-to-open-an-inmates-halfway-house-in-2023/ though that had a gateway to dopamine which was the S-3 receptor. I now needed to learn what all these different receptors did and to see if any were connected to cravings for alcohol.

  • This may be why some report experiencing blackouts or temporary memory loss after mixing alcohol and Lexapro.
  • If you use Lexapro and then suddenly stop, you may experience withdrawal symptoms or discontinuation syndrome, with symptoms that can range from mild to severe.
  • Individuals with higher physical dependence are also at risk for more severe symptoms of alcohol withdrawal.
  • In addition to reducing the effects of your medication, continued alcohol use can also cause further changes to your brain chemistry, having lasting effects on your mental health.

Alcohol is a depressant known to cause or worsen symptoms of depression including mood changes, making antidepressants less effective. There are potential interactions between any two drugs, including prescription medications. To avoid an adverse reaction, patients should consult their doctor and pharmacist first. Before combining alcohol with any antidepressant, including Lexapro, patients should discuss the risks with their doctor beforehand to determine if it is safe for them.
